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Inventions, Utility Models and Designs


Inventions capable to industrialization are patentable when they are the result of a new creative process, provided that the result is not deductible (i) from technical knowledge having been made public, and (ii) evidently for an expert in the corresponding field.

Will be considered invention any human creation that permits the transformation of matter or energy for man’s utilization in order to satisfy specific needs.

The right to the exclusive use of an invention is acquired by obtaining a patent.

Utility Models

Utility Models are objects, utensils, devices or tools that as a result of a modification in their disposition, configuration, structure, or form, give a different function regarding the elements comprising them or advantages regarding their utility.

Designs (Industrial Drawings and Models)

Industrial drawings are all combination of forms, lines or colors that are incorporated to an industrial product with the purpose of ornamentation, that gives it its own and peculiar aspect.

Industrial models are all tridimensional forms that are likely to serve as a mold for an industrial product manufacturing that gives it a special aspect but that is not essential for its functioning.

The right to the exclusive use of a utility model and design is acquired through registration.

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